U.S. funds doomsday scenario

A doomsday Eve

The U.S. embassy in Oslo has funded the Norwegian larp A doomsday Eve (En dommedags aften) with 30.000 NOK (5000 USD). The larp took place between 11-13 February, in a fictional 1983 where the threat of nuclear war loomed.

The embassy funds U.S.-related projects. The organizers were invited to a meeting at the embassy to discuss the project. The money will be used, amongst other things, to make a short movie from the larp (shown at Knudepunkt 2011), and to organize a debate about the cold war in Oslo. The embassy wished that the funding should help give the subject a greater audience, in addition to the 75 participants of the larp.

Web: En dommedags aften (In Norwegian, English with Google Translate).

Article by Ole Peder Giæver